Refining the player experience: Navigating Dota 2’s new arsenal

Mariana Mendes
4 min readFeb 5, 2024

Since its emergence on the gaming scene, Dota 2 has stood out as a true digital epic, involving millions of players in a complex web of strategy, skill, and emotion. Developed by Valve Corporation, Dota 2 is more than just a game; it’s a competitive experience that transcends the conventional concept of virtual entertainment.

Launched in 2013 as a sequel to the iconic Defense of the Ancients (DotA) mod for Warcraft III, Dota 2 quickly established itself as one of the most popular titles on the eSports scene.

Its strategic complexity, variety of heroes and constant evolution through frequent updates have captured players’ imaginations, turning it into a digital arena where individual skill combines with team tactics to create epic moments.

In this article, we’ll look at the recent “THE SUMMER CLIENT” update, focusing in particular on the new arsenal. We’ll not only analyze the changes to the game, but also explore the transformations to the user experience and user interface.

A completely new armory

The Armory now serves as the single destination for all cosmetic items in Dota.

Before this update, Dota 2 players had to deal with multiple interfaces and processes to manage their cosmetic items. Buying, selling, viewing and equipping items were scattered across different menus and screens, which, over the years, became complex to navigate.

With a decade of new features and interfaces added to the game, the user experience was subject to usability and organization challenges.

Before the update

The old Dota 2 interface, before the “A BRAND-NEW ARMORY” update, had several problems that affected the user experience.

Here are some of these problems:


  • The scattering of item-related functionalities in different menus made the interface disorganized.
  • Players had to navigate various screens to perform simple tasks such as buying, selling or equipping items.

Excessive complexity:

  • The accumulation of features and interfaces over a decade of updates resulted in excessive complexity for players.
  • New players could feel overwhelmed by the variety of options and menus.

Difficulty of Navigation:

  • The lack of a centralized interface made efficient navigation difficult, especially for those less familiar with the game.
  • Finding specific items or performing specific actions could be a time-consuming and frustrating task.

Wasted Time:

  • The fragmented process for dealing with items took up more time than necessary.
  • Players often wasted time navigating between different menus instead of concentrating on the gameplay.

Limited usability:

  • The lack of a cohesive interface limited overall usability, especially for novice players.
  • Some features were underutilized due to their unintuitive location.

Lack of Visual Customization:

  • The absence of robust visual customization options for cosmetic items limited players’ individual expression.
  • The interface didn’t allow for a detailed, personalized preview of items.

The “A BRAND-NEW ARMORY” update was designed to address these problems, providing a comprehensive solution that simplifies the interface, improves usability and offers a more fluid and customizable experience for Dota 2 players.


The creation of a single interface, consolidating all item-related functionality, drastically simplifies the player’s interaction with their armory.

Players now have a centralized point for buying, selling, viewing and equipping cosmetic items, providing a more fluid and intuitive experience.

This unification not only eliminates the confusion caused by scattered interfaces, but also saves players time. The ease of access to all arsenal functions on a single screen not only simplifies the process, but also allows players to focus more on the strategic and exciting aspect of the game itself.

The update not only improves practicality, but also contributes to a more enjoyable and efficient overall experience for the Dota 2 player community.

Ultimately, “THE SUMMER CLIENT” is not just an update; it’s a statement of ongoing commitment to quality, innovation and the constant improvement of Dota 2.

By providing a more accessible and engaging experience, Valve is not only meeting the expectations of the community, but also setting a high standard for the future of the game.

Thanks for reading this far, you’re awesome!

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Mariana Mendes

A UX/UI Designer with a background in Software Engineering. Addicting in video games and create empathy.