Prioritization — My Conscious
3 min readMay 21, 2021
This article is part of the Case “my Conscious, uniting patients and psychologists”.
FIRST QUADRANT (High impact X Low effort)
1) Schedule the consultation by my Conscious
- High impact: Scheduling by the application itself instead of having to talk to the psychologist to find a good time for both (patient x psychologist) is easier for both. The psychologist will be able to previously register his days and times, and the patient will be able to choose what is best for him.
- Low effort: It is technically simple to create a scheduling system.
2) Emergency call to the help desk (CVV)
- High impact: Through our research we have identified that a good part of patients only seek psychological help when they are already feeling bad, so we decided to create an emergency button for more urgent cases.
- Low effort: It is technically simple to create a button that redirects to a call.
3) Searches with filters
- High impact: As patients find it difficult to find the right professional, a way to search for what they need will help you.
- Low effort: It is technically simple for a search field and define the search filters for this search.
4) Screening system to help patients find the professional they are looking for
- High impact: See item 3
- Low effort: A sorting system is not as simple as filter surveys, but you can take advantage of the filters and use them in the sorting.
5) Video / voice call through the platform
- High impact: We consider it important that the consultation takes place with video and voice, to simulate a real consultation.
- Low effort / Medium effort: It is not that simple, compared to the other features.
6) Agenda with consultations
- High impact: See item 1
- Low effort / Medium effort: See item 1
7) Notifications reminding consultation
- High impact: Prevents both patients and psychologists from forgetting the appointment time and day
- Low effort: It is technically simple to do since the agenda will already be ready
8) Provision of contact of the psychologist (optional)
- High impact: Some patients like to talk to the psychologist beforehand to learn more about him, but some psychologists do not like to make their personal contact available. So we leave it as an option for him.
- Low effort: It is technically simple to put information like this on the screen.
8) Evaluation of psychologists by patients
- High impact: Patients feel difficult to choose the psychologist and according to our research, an evaluation can help them choose this professional
- Low effort / medium effort: It is not as simple as the other features.
9) Evaluation of psychologists by patients
- High impact: Patients feel difficult to choose the psychologist and according to our research, an evaluation can help them choose this professional
- Low effort / medium effort: It is not as simple as the other features.
10) Profile sharing system
- High impact: Our research has shown that psychologists do not make much of their work publicized and that the greatest form of publicity comes from patients and happens by word of mouth. This sharing system will allow the user to continue this disclosure. And disclosing the profile of the psychologist also happens indirectly the dissemination of the application.
- Low effort: It is technically simple to do.
11) Guidelines for online consultation
- High impact: Our research has shown that patients often do not know how an online consultation happens and this can harm both the psychologist and the patient. Many patients do not separate an isolated place for the consultation and the consultation needs to be confidential.
- Low effort: It is technically simple to do.
12) Message chat between the patient and the psychologist
- High impact: Some patients like to talk to the psychologist beforehand to learn more about him, but some psychologists do not like to make their personal contact available.
- Low effort / Medium effort: It is more complicated than just providing the number of the psychologist, but like not all psychologists who will provide personal contact, we consider it important to have this second option.
Quadrants 3 and 4
Here are other points of impact on remote care between patients and psychologists, but we decided to focus on quadrant 1 for the creation of the MVP.